On 28th April, we had the Girls’ Day in Germany and 1000shapes was honored with the opportunity of hosting eight brilliant girls who in the future maybe be the genius minds behind technology.
Our team currently with 5 great female employees, have shown that areas like brain tumors, CT segmentation and 3D printing are by no means male domains anymore. Their input and work has been a crucial part of the success of our team. The young girls came with curiosity which is the fundamental of any breakthrough whether it is technology or other sectors. This curiosity led to a lot of questions by these young girls and together we found answers to these questions. The journey of knowledge of these young minds did not end here, rather it has just started. At this occasion, 1000shapes feel grateful for being able to inspire young girls and also for trying to bring more female in technology sector.
Also next year 1000shapes will invite young ladies to the Girl´s Day and help them to get an insight into the jobs of tomorrow.