Our team stands for success

We are proud of our achievements


The technologies of 1000shapes are based on developments and experiences from more than two decades of research in model-based image segmentation, 3D shape analysis and 3D therapy planning, which was and is carried out at the Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB), among others.

A unique approach to 3D shape analysis enables highly detailed modeling of complex 3D object shapes and their spatiotemporal variability within large populations. Sophisticated visualization techniques convey 3D shape variation in an intuitive way. Efficient algorithms for the adaptation of 3D shape models to given measurement data enable a comparison between given shape measurements and naturally occurring shape expressions.

The 3D shape modeling technology in combination with innovative image processing techniques has set worldwide standards for highly demanding medical image segmentation and anatomy reconstruction problems in terms of automation, efficiency and quality and has received several awards:

Matheon Spin-off Award

2012 Matheon Spin-off Award

VCBM Best Poster Award

2012 VCBM Award

Shape Challenge Best Prize

2015 Shape Award

2015 Verse

AutoImplant Cranial Implant Design Challenge Best Paper Award

2020 AutoImplant Challenge