We are a proud sponsor of MICCAI 2021.
1000shapes is a software and service provider for 3D computer-aided modeling, planning, design and manufacturing solutions in the healthcare and medical industries. We strive to create solutions for our customers that are at the frontier of automation, efficiency and ease of use. That is why we are investing in research and development in these areas, and MICCAI is one of the most important partners in this regard.
To quote the MICCAI website:
“MICCAI is the most important international conference in computer science and engineering for healthcare, covering a broad spectrum of fields including artificial intelligence, medical imaging, computer-assisted intervention, information processing and medical robotics. With nearly 2,500 participants every year, it is a major forum for research and innovation. The multidisciplinary nature of MICCAI attracts world-leading computer scientists, engineers, clinicians, students and bioscientists, from a wide range of disciplines at a unique meeting, where together they contribute to the development of novel methodologies and applications in this fast-growing field..”
You can find more information at
- Conference website: https://miccai2021.org
- Sponsors: https://miccai2021.org/en/MICCAI2020-SPONSORS.html
- MICCAI society: http://www.miccai.org